Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Gates of Hell

     In the Inferno, when Virgil and Dante reach the gates of Hell, the inscription symbolizes more than what it actually says. In my opinion it was inscribed to show how hell was created in more of a loving manner and not out of despite for the sinners.
This image symbolizes the gates of Hell
     When I first read the inscription on the gate, I truly believed that Dante was just trying to tell the sinners that what they were about to experience was something unpleasant in every manner. Also that you should have no hope of anything pleasant once you walk in. However once I read deeper and really thought about it I realized that Hell was created by God out of love and that the inscription was really implying that the perspective on the sinner is that they are about to enter into a place that is not filled with joy but rather the want to punish them self. So all in all Hell was created with wisdom and ultimate intellect for the sinful to achieve justice. When the words "PRIMORDIAL LOVE" appeared in the inscription it brought some confusion because I have always thought of Hell just as a place of punishment and not as a place created in love. As the book continues, you can see that Virgil does not feel pity for these people because it was their on free will to sin so they were able to pick their punishment; "Here must you put by all division of spirit and gather soul against all cowardice (18)." This quote tells that Virgil does not want Dante to be a coward towards these people and feel pity for them because when you do, you are basically saying that what God has done to punish them is wrong. When the inscription states "SACRED JUSTICE MOVED MY ARCHITECT.", to me this states in an indirect way that Hell was created for the people because they themselves want justice for their sins. Another way that the inscription indirectly states that the people want to receive their punishment is through the word love. This to me states that God still loves the sinners and wants to give them away to try and earn justice even though they are not deserving of it, so knowing this the sinful wan to obtain their punishment.   
     The main message of the inscription is to tell that Hell was created by God out of love and that you shouldn't feel pity for the sinners on the inside. Also in away it is just a warning of what's to come. 

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